Refinance Mortgage Program

A Refinance Mortgage is the type of mortgage financing where the borrower seeks to change the interest rate or the term (length) of the loan without taking out any cash. In other words, the primary purpose of the refinance is to secure more favorable loan terms, such as a lower interest rate or a different loan duration, rather than extracting equity from the property.

Indications - this program is a good choice for:

  • Lower Interest Rates: If market interest rates have decreased since the borrower obtained their original mortgage, a rate and term refinance can allow them to secure a new loan with a lower interest rate. This can result in reduced monthly payments and overall interest costs.
  • Adjusting Loan Terms and Payments: Refinancing provides an opportunity to adjust monthly payments. Borrowers can opt for a longer term to lower payments or a shorter term to increase payments, depending on their financial situation and goals.
  • Stabilizing Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs): If a borrower has an adjustable-rate mortgage and wants to switch to a fixed-rate mortgage for stability, a rate and term refinance can be a suitable choice.

What are the benefits?

  • Insufficient Equity and Loan-to Value Limits: Some products often have minimum equity requirements for a refinance. If the property's appraised value is too low or the existing mortgage balance is high, it may affect qualification.
  • Qualifying and Credit Standards: Products have credit and qualifying standards that must be met.

Typical Disqualifying Considerations?

  • Improving Cash Flow: Lowering monthly mortgage payments through a refinance can improve cash flow, providing borrowers with more flexibility in managing their finances.
  • Enhancing Loan Terms: Borrowers may refinance to improve overall loan terms, such as moving from a high-risk loan to a more conventional loan or qualifying for a loan with better terms due to improved creditworthiness.
  • Streamline Refinance Options: Government backed loans such as FHA, VA, and USDA loans have streamlined refinance options that can waive most credit qualifying standards, and appraisal requirements.

Alternative Programs